Let me guess if your reading this as an "able bodied person" you may have had a time where you've seen a disabled person, what you can only assume is, struggling. While yes, this is sometimes the case. Sometimes, it can just be that the disabled individual has to do things slightly differently
Having a disability is not fun and can sometimes be incredibly difficult, mentally and physically. However, there are some perks to being registered disabled. From discounts to freebies, there are many advantages to your disability.
The Motability scheme, what the hell is it? Well, if anyone with a disability purchased a vehicle on their own it would cost a small fortune as we would have to pay for both the vehicle and any adaptations that we needed to that vehicle disabled friendly.
There’s nothing worse than getting to a well-known event or attraction to find steps, cobbles and one disabled loo that’s all the way over the other side of the location. As a disabled individual it can make your trip 1000x better to be prepared. Here’s my top 5 tips for an awesome day out.